Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kennedy Goes to School! WooHoo!!!!

Kennedy goes to Kindergarten at Lincoln Elementary. She goes full days Tues and Thursdays. 1/2 day Friday Afternoons. She is in Mrs. Thompson's class. Kennedy is so happy and I think she will have a great year!

Kennedy starts next Thursday and her first day with all the class together is Friday, Sept. 12th. Also Kennedy's 6th birthday!!!!

Kennedy next to her cubby...
In front of Lincoln Elementary.....

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Marcee said...

How fun that Jeremy and Kennedy are going to be in the same class. I like that he will have a friend in there with him.

Billy and Cassie plus4 said...

Wow kennedy is finally in kindergarden she was so ready last year..Austin had Mrs.Thompson last year I love her she is a great teacher kennedy will like her too.